Reagan's movie library

This site has a list of every movie Reagan is supposed to have watched during eight years in the White House.  It's surprisingly similar to what I'd have been likely to watch.  That is to say, there are lots of things missing that I'd have enjoyed, but very few that I haven't seen or that I started and couldn't be bothered to finish.


Grim said...

It's good to know he didn't miss "The Princess Bride."

I've seen a lot of these too.

Eric Blair said...

Y'all watch too much movies.

Grim said...

I gave up television in 2004. If I catch a movie once a month, that's twelve a year -- 25 a year if I watch one every two weeks. I'm sure I don't watch that many, but it adds up over time.

douglas said...

Interesting that Winchester 73 was watched twice (and not showing twice on the list one after another like Witness or I forget the other one, which I assume was because they didn't finish it the first night.

Also pretty amusing that they watched "Bedtime for Bonzo". I think that shows a pretty healthy sense of humor.