A Confession, After A Fashion

IRS Official: "Please delete this email." But doesn't Federal law require you to keep email records like this? Of course!


Ymar Sakar said...

Deleting people is easier, safer, and more environmentally friendly.

The Left contains a reservoir of hate, but it is nothing against the True Hate, and is even inferior against the hatred imported from Islamic Jihad.

Wait until they have to kill and die for their beliefs.

Eric Blair said...

If a Republican gets elected President in 2016, I think the pay-back is going to be very ugly.

Ymar Sakar said...

The Republican party, as a general rule, doesn't have the spine to fight anybody other than their subordinates and citizen groups.

Grim said...

More to the point, they don't own the civil service. This isn't elected officials leading the blind. It's willful corruption by the bureaucracy. The Republican party can fight it, but only by dismantling those aspects of the state -- as for example by replacing the IRS with a flat sales tax.

Ymar Sakar said...

At this point, they would get better mileage replacing IRS with ISIL.