We spent last night and this morning doing our fire engine driving recertification, which we do every year. After we finished the obstacle course this morning, I had several motorcycle and truck maintenance things to do this afternoon. So after my son and I went to the auto parts store and the hardware store, we stopped on the way out of town at the grocery store because, I told him, "I want to get some garage beer."
I explained that the idea of a garage beer is that it's a classic American beer, low in alcohol content because you'll be working on machines with tools. I was going to get Miller Genuine Draft if they'd had it, on the strength of the fact that Motörhead specified it in their contracts as the beer to have on hand when they were playing in America. But they didn't have that, so I went looking through all the other options for a good garage beer.
And Lo and Behold, there it was. It's pretty good, too, and exactly 4% so you can enjoy some beer while you work without concern.
We then had a nice afternoon of working in the garage together on our bikes and the truck, listening to music, drinking garage beer for me and Mountain Dew for him (he's of age, but doesn't like beer much). After that we got our some .22s, pistols and rifle, and had a little plinking.
Sounds like a perfect afternoon. My son doesn't like drink either, of any kind (we've had him sample a few things). It's an interesting thing that this generation coming of age now doesn't drink much (relatively- my daughter in in a sorority and has a frat boyfriend- she doesn't drink, but her friends sure do).
I've had some. Ya get what's advertised :)
Beer-flavored beer? How novel! ;) I wonder if you can get water-flavored water as well?
We spent last night and this morning doing our fire engine driving recertification, which we do every year. After we finished the obstacle course this morning, I had several motorcycle and truck maintenance things to do this afternoon. So after my son and I went to the auto parts store and the hardware store, we stopped on the way out of town at the grocery store because, I told him, "I want to get some garage beer."
I explained that the idea of a garage beer is that it's a classic American beer, low in alcohol content because you'll be working on machines with tools. I was going to get Miller Genuine Draft if they'd had it, on the strength of the fact that Motörhead specified it in their contracts as the beer to have on hand when they were playing in America. But they didn't have that, so I went looking through all the other options for a good garage beer.
And Lo and Behold, there it was. It's pretty good, too, and exactly 4% so you can enjoy some beer while you work without concern.
We then had a nice afternoon of working in the garage together on our bikes and the truck, listening to music, drinking garage beer for me and Mountain Dew for him (he's of age, but doesn't like beer much). After that we got our some .22s, pistols and rifle, and had a little plinking.
Just a nice afternoon.
Sounds like a perfect afternoon. My son doesn't like drink either, of any kind (we've had him sample a few things). It's an interesting thing that this generation coming of age now doesn't drink much (relatively- my daughter in in a sorority and has a frat boyfriend- she doesn't drink, but her friends sure do).
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