I-40 to Reopen Tomorrow

It's just going to be one lane in each direction at first, but it will accommodate standard size-and-weight tractor trailers. That will be huge for the trucking industry, which has been having to route as far north as I-81 north of Johnson City, or as far south as I-285 north of Atlanta, for loads that required interstate transit. Traversing the mountain roads with a semi is out of the question in most of this country: they're just old mule trails that have curves too tight for a big truck to make. Every now and then some cowboy tries to bring a semi across US 129, "the Tail of the Dragon," and that goes about as well as you'd imagine.

Local roads have a similar problem. I mentioned NC 107 the other day; semis run down that one, but it's a near thing sometimes if you meet one. For a long time Dollar General's navigation software was routing its trucks across NC 281 up here. The VFD would have to help them back up, sometimes for miles, to get back to a road they could retreat upon successfully. These roads were built by mules, for mules.


Mike Guenther said...

US 64 between Franklin and Highlands is no picnic either. I've met semis on some of those curves before and it's a tight squeeze.

Grim said...

Yes, sir. That whole section through the Cullasaja Gorge that we were just talking about is tight -- not quite as tight, but pretty tight in places.

douglas said...

My parents had a priest friend that was a motorcyclist- caught a truck wrong and was lucky to survive intact. It's good to have friends upstairs. Ride safe, gents.