Running the Wheels Off

We have no functional spares, but hopefully as things calm down we will have time to replace things. I swapped the last one on the Wolf Mountain run a few days ago. Not only department vehicles but personal ones have been ridden hard and put away wet. 

For example, I think I got the good out of this motorcycle tire. 

I’ve been on it every day since we got the roads clear enough to ride. I’ve also been through two pair of boots, two saw chains, and a bar. Not that the boots nor the saw nor the tire were new, though one of the saw chains was. 


We must be doing all right if the community is bringing us pound cakes. 

Lasagna too; some Italian-American woman who lives here brought us a great one. I happened upon her the next day on patrol and complimented her lasagna highly; when I got back to the station several hours later, I found she’d dropped off six more. 


douglas said...

Well deserved. Certainly proves the old adage "two is one and one is none...". I honestly hadn't even thought about back up boots as an emergency supply (though I have several good pairs). Learning a lot through this.

raven said...

Were you on the bike because it was easier to get around debris on it, or to save gas, or to save wear on the other vehicles? Or just to eek out a little pleasure amongst the disaster?

Grim said...


Grim said...

Seriously, though, it was overdetermined. Gas was a serious factor at one point in the rescue operations, and you know. We didn't have enough vehicles for everything we needed to do. Likewise, there's nothing finer than riding motorcycles in October.

Mike Guenther said...

That tire looks like it has dirty air in it.