Micro-preemie still micro

My friend's grandson, born at what they thought was 21 weeks but seems apparently to have been more like 23, continues to do well. He has suffered few and relatively minor challenges so far. He grew taller but until recently couldn't seem to gain weight, but he did go on real food a while back. This week they successfully got him off the ventilator. He gained a diaper size, an excitement for the family on general principles but also because the hospital called them to say the change would be an opportunity for them to hold him for the first time and would they like to come over?

Would we?

He is finally starting to gain a bit of weight. He wasn't even due to be born until December. The family is encouraged to take turns speaking and reading to him. The NICU is great.


Grim said...

Good luck, little fella.

Thomas Doubting said...

Good news!

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Singing. Our oldest nearly died at two weeks old and was hospitalised, hooked up to equipment so we could only touch his feet, and we sat there and sang softly as much as we could.

No, he's not musical, but he never had any bonding problems or anxiety.

raven said...

The nurses in the NICU are the nearest of us to angels.

Texan99 said...

Yes, they're encouraged to sing, too.

E Hines said...

Still like that old time rock and roll
That kind of music soothes the soul

Eric Hines

E Hines said...

The boy will grow rapidly and thrive with the right kind of music.

Prayers for him, too.

Eric Hines