Happy Birthday

I was born fifty years ago today. I don’t usually make a big deal about birthdays, but half a century is worth celebrating. I started putting aside a little money the summer before last so I could afford to buy something fun for the occasion. 

Conan seems to approve.  


Christopher B said...

Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I am 69 today myself, named Christopher because, ya know …

Thomas Doubting said...

Have a great one! Are you sure Conan doesn't think the bike's for him?

E Hines said...

Does Conan get a side car, or does he ride behind you?

Eric Hines

Grim said...

By preference, he runs alongside. He can easily keep up until you reach the highway. That’s been a training issue.

Grim said...


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Christopher.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed it however you chose to.


Tom said...

Happy birthday!

Grim said...

Happy shared birthday!

Donna B. said...

Happy Birthday!

Tom said...

I think part of that URL is missing.

Grim said...


Grim said...

Try that one.

Elise said...

Happy Birthday, Grim!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Tom said...

That's great! Yes, that's just how I imagine Conan.

DL Sly said...

What a fabulous day! Happy 50th for Grim, and also the VES' first anniversary!

Texan99 said...

Happy birthday! My 68th is coming up soon. Goodness, how young you were when I first began to follow this blog. Soon we'll be calling you Grampa!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Grim said...

It’s amazing arrogance that I thought I had anything to say when I started this blog.

I hope my son’s instincts overcome his principles, and sooner than later, so you might call me that.

douglas said...

Happy belated birthday, Grim! 50 is a big one. Your perspective shifts a bit after this. Enjoy the ride.