Slaughtering Girl Children

So until I saw this today, I didn't understand that the children murdered in the knife attack in England were all girls. Somehow the media failed to convey that to me in their reporting.

The point of that post is that the British government has turned hard against anyone who is upset by that. All this gender neutrality is working out badly: Gods of the Copybook Headings badly, if you ask me. All those old rules may not all be necessary, but maybe we should rethink this commitment to treating sex as if it were subject to the rule of cæteris paribus rather than mutatis mutandum

UPDATE: The post I linked was deleted, and Janet denies a part of it in the comments below. I'll take her word that she's better informed about that aspect. 


Anonymous said...

The young man who did this was the (British-born) son of Rwandan immigrants. So there's no particular reason to think he's Muslim. Given his age and sex, it's unfortunately quite likely that this was a psychotic break due to schizophrenia, or cannabis usage, or both, rather than ideological/religious.

I would also say that, given the authorities' known penchant for lying, the riots may have effectively nothing to do with targeting Muslims; this could just be a convenient way to get the participants further legal penalties for a "hate crime".


Grim said...

I have updated the post accordingly, willingly believing that you have been following it closely enough to be better informed than I have been. Indeed, the poverty of the information I have managed to get out of the press on this topic is the main subject of the post.

Anonymous said...

It could also be possible that the young man became more radical than his parents, and Islam was one of several factors. Sort of like how children of immigrants and grandchildren are more focused on the Old Country than the first generation were.

Or as Janet says, it could be a case of mental illness or drug-related psychosis. Unfortunately, all are possible, or perhaps even a combination of several.
