A Different Take on Jordan Peterson



Grim said...

It's weird that this guy has garnered so much attention. I guess "make your bed" is really powerful advice these days.

Anonymous said...

I think it is, and I think, especially for a certain cohort of young men, the way Peterson insists that you CAN improve your lot and you CAN be responsible for part of your world and control it provides something they desperately wanted and needed to hear. His emphasis on the importance of story for shaping the world and how you deal with it strikes a chord.

His willingness to speak plainly about the follies and damage done by diversity/equity/victimhood also plays a role.


Tom said...

Adm. McRaven was also big into making one's bed.

I haven't read Peterson, but from a few interviews and what people have told me, he seems to offer a modern mythology to help young men understand the world and their role in it, though I know women who are very into his stuff as well.

Sometime I'll read his "12 Rules."