A Visit with Uncle J

Longtime readers will remember Uncle Jimbo, former Green Beret and fellow BLACKFIVE blogger. I dropped in on him today while passing through Arlington. He has a new sign.

It’s hilarious in the context of his neighbors, who all have those “IN THIS HOUSE WE..” rainbow signs they probably got at their Unitarian or Methodist church. 


raven said...

An excellent sign. Does he have a claymore wired to it?

Grim said...

Not that I noticed, but you never know with Jimbo.

Dad29 said...

but you never know with Jimbo.

Thanks!! Needed a good laugh today!!

raven said...

If you had noticed, it would have been a poor job...

Gringo said...

I wonder if he has gotten any flack yet for this sign, given the political tendencies of Arlington.