Valentine's soup

Lamb and beet borscht:


Grim said...

You know a man loves you if he’ll make you borscht.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

And borscht is just fun to say, too.

Texan99 said...

It was fantastic as always.

Anonymous said...

That looked wonderful! We're not quite into lamb season up here yet.

I'm curious. How do you keep the beets from overwhelming the lamb flavor? I've been reluctant to use lamb in anything with a strong veggie flavor.


Texan99 said...

When we first read about this recipe, it was pitched as a soup that people would enjoy even if they don't like lamb and don't like beets. Beets can be a little cloying in their sweetness, but the meat broth, mint, peppers, beans, sour cream, and lamb balance the beets in this dish. Some people don't care for the particular taste of lamb, but the beets balance that as well. Personally I have a very hard time distinguishing between the taste of lamb and the taste of a delicate beef, such as ribeye, so I can't speak to that part. When I eat an unadorned lamb chop I don't detect anything "off" about the flavor.

E Hines said...

When I eat an unadorned lamb chop I don't detect anything "off"....

Shari Lewis is spinning in her grave.

Eric Hines