Good fun

An Ace post recounts a finance guy's experience with a trendy progressive workplace he was trying (unsuccessfully) to save from bankruptcy. The firm had no dress code, which meant that everyone but our correspondent dressed identically in jeans and sneakers, while he chose to wear a collared shirt, slacks, and loafers.

Don't you want to be comfortable?--I am comfortable.--Everyone else is comfortable wearing jeans and sneakers.--Good for them.

My favorite: the boss finally almost admits he wants to impose a jeans-and-sneakers dress code when he begs, won't you please at least wear jeans and sneakers for the company photo shoot? "Of course. I’ll wear whatever you tell me to wear, any time you request that I do so."

The boss was tying himself into a pretzel trying not to admit that he wanted to order the finance guy what to wear. Naturally what he wanted was for the finance guy to want to do what the boss wanted without being told to do so, not because the finance guy was averse to following orders, but because the boss couldn't admit to himself that he wanted obedience and had a right to expect it of an employee.


Christopher B said...

Scroll down to the Joe Mannix (not a cop) post just below that one, too. Not as much fun but similar topic.

Texan99 said...

I just went over and read it. Yes, I'm afraid most of us probably have had to work in crazy, crazy institutions. Good luck dropped me in a few where there was meaningful work, mutual respect, and good pay, but it's hard to make that set-up last. Nutcases always manage to find a way to ruin it for everyone.

I try to chip away at the craziness. If someone works for me (these days, it's work on my home), it's on me to make it a sane environment. I've enjoyed a bit of success making my local government less bonkers. Every day the task is to speak the truth and make sense, no matter what the provocation. Stand up for integrity and try to keep everyone's eye on the ball.

Grim said...

"Some people here feel that your wardrobe makes a judgmental statement about how others dress."
