Not Working Your Service Job is Terrorism

This is getting a little predictable


Anonymous said...

It's nigh unto tedious. "If you do something we don't like, you are a terrorist. If you disagree with our philosophy, you are a terrorist." I suppose it is a logical outgrowth from 1) the emphasis that emotion is more important than reason and 2) the resulting loss of proportion. When words of disagreement are the same as physical violence, per campus activists, then refusing to take a strongly-encouraged but elective action is terrorism.


Texan99 said...

But remember that emotion is more important than reason only if you're on the right team, not if you're angry about something unapproved. On the other hand, progressives are losing polling support from previously reliable demographics, so it will be interesting to see how they deal with dissension in the ranks, especially of unionized workers. Probably they'll find a way to side with the unions that turn on wrongthinking workers. What they'd really love, I suppose, is to keep collecting dues even after the wrongthinkers are fired. There must be a way to pull that off through confiscation of "vested" benefits.