Short, Fat, Beast

This guy gives beer-drinkers everywhere hope.


MikeD said...

"Short" is not a term for a six foot tall man.

Grim said...

Fair enough. I didn't look up the stats -- I just noticed he was a head shorter than most of those guys he was taking on (and beating).

Anonymous said...

The guy is making a big point of showing off his stomach, but that back is thick and wide.


Eric Blair said...

Great White Hope?

Ymar Sakar said...

It's not really necessary to have six packs, since a different energy can be produced using fat and the way it surrounds muscle tissue.

Muscles only exert the pulley force, they do not exert the spiral or the multiplication forces.

douglas said...

That's not fat, it's armor.

It's also potentially useful mass, if you get the physics of it all.

I say that as a skinny guy who has to understand that, or get crushed.