The Tea Party is de--. . . oh, wait.

Eric Cantor, Republican House majority leader, outspent his little-known opponent in the primary for his Virginia congressional district by 15 or 20 to 1, and lost his race today by about 45%-55%.  Virginia has a "sore loser" law that will prevent Cantor from running against the primary winner, David Brat, as an independent.

Brat is a thorough-going economic conservative of the Cato Institute stripe.  The Republican Party leadership is going bats.


DL Sly said...


Ymar Sakar said...

The national level orgs are dead because the strategic funding was blocked and destroyed by the IRS.

but the local grassroots are still alive, they haven't been burned out.

Ymar Sakar said...

Sly, you sound like you are enjoying something infernally.

DL Sly said...

Oh I am, Ymar.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting out here with my popcorn enjoying the show.
