Meanwhile in NYC...

Mike Bloomberg is also making public appearances.

I've been kind of waiting to see what Bloomberg would come up with that was his explanation of what he wanted to accomplish by running. Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" explained with simple clarity exactly what the point of his candidacy was. Barack Obama's "Change you can believe in" -- usually with "CHANGE" in big letters and the rest in much smaller print -- was likewise a simple and easy to grasp explanation of the logic of his candidacy. After eight years of George W. Bush, people had an appetite for something different. He promised change, and in fairness he delivered more of it than I'd have liked.

Bloomberg I think gives his message in this clip:

"Maybe I can get the whole country to behave!"

He is the candidate of government limits on what size sodas you can buy and mandatory stop-and-frisk searches by police without probable cause. He's the candidate who thinks he knows better than you, and wants to be the nanny for all of America. He wants you to behave.

I don't think he knows much about America. But I know about people like him.


raven said...

It does not really matter who you talk to, the Scotch -Irish, the Italians, the Indians, (feather) those uppity Northern New Englanders, the Settlers of the West, ETC ETC- Americans have an almost instinctive dislike of being Told What to Do.
SFYTW, lil' mikey.

Grim said...

They do, especially when the tellers are people who think they are our betters trying to "improve us" in ways that turn out to be chiefly convenient for them. They banned alcohol, and they got gangsters. They banned drugs, and they got gangsters. And not only did they get gangsters, on both occasions they got cultural celebrations of gangsters -- films about gangsters, songs about gangsters (and moonshiners: "Thunder Road" and "Copperhead Road"), whole literary genres about gangsters, television shows about gangsters.

At some point it may dawn on them that they're trying to govern a very unruly people, thanks be to God.

E Hines said...

Maybe not so unruly, anymore. Look at all the support for Nanny State Mike, and the overt (and closet) socialists in one of our major political parties.

Those supporters seem to be increasingly comfortable with being told what to do and with being disarmed and with their speech being limited--it absolves them of their own responsibility and the hard work that entails.

Eric Hines