Requiescat in Pace “Patch”

My friend “Patch” has died. He was a former member of the Outlaws MC turned Harley mechanic. His nickname arose from a missing eye, which he often covered in piratical fashion. 

I liked and respected him. He was a good man as well as a skilled mechanic. I respected his skill at fabrication, which is an area of mechanics that I admire because it is so much more difficult than simply replacing parts. He could machine you something that worked, and worked perfectly. 

Nor would he accept even reasonable compensation for this skill. I always had to argue with him to get him to take more than he asked, because ‘a workman is worthy of his hire,’ and I couldn’t have worked his miracle with any amount of time. He was always offering to take ‘twenty bucks’ or something like that for spending hours of his time turning something out. 

He was a good man and husband. He celebrated his turn to the latter life, which he felt was better than his youth. 

A man of honor. 

1 comment:

E Hines said...

I'm sorry to hear of his passing and of your loss.

You've mentioned him a time or two before, and he sounds like he came to a good life and lived it well. A more worthy obit would be hard to write.

Eric Hines