Panic in the blue rooms

From the NYT, which incautiously allowed conservative-ish Bret Stephens to join in a round-table discussion:
Voters, including conservative ones, don’t want an authoritarian state. But liberals and progressives consistently failed to recognize the way in which their own side violated those norms, or sought to impose their own forms of authoritarianism.
Do any Democrats understand that trying to throw your opponent in jail, or bankrupt him with doubtful suits, or strike his name from the ballot, isn’t democratic? Do they understand that they can’t credibly talk about Trump’s threats to our governing traditions when they also are calling to pack the Supreme Court or end the Senate filibuster? Do they comprehend that trying to strong-arm Facebook into suppressing “misinformation” violated the spirit of the First Amendment?
Do they understand that lying about Joe Biden’s health was reminiscent of Soviet propaganda during the reigns of Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko? (Nothing to see here but a “cheapfake”!) Do they recognize the chilling effects of the progressive speech police? One of the reasons Trump won is that Democrats all but erased the difference between them and Republicans when it came to the question of adhering to “democratic norms.”
The Democratic Party has, to an astonishing degree, become the party of government workers and union workers. They should try to make inroads with the rest of us.
When someone other than Stephens is speaking, it's mostly an inadvertent confirmation of his thesis. Long may they keep it up.

Meanwhile, all those unaccountable billionaire wrong-thinking geeks are starting to explain why no one can perform a useful audit on federal spending: Treasury just writes a check for whatever the agencies requisition, and the money comes out of thin air--has done since we abandoned the gold standard in 1971. So, as soon as someone successful appeals the New York judge who denied access to the Treasury payment system by the Secretary of the Treasury, the evil billionaires can start figuring out a way to track payments and inform the public what the heck has been going on with the slush funds and the "incurable" national debt.

(This editorial is behind a paywall, and I have no intention of subscribing, but if you hold down "Ctrl" and hit A then C quickly, you can copy the whole thing before the wall slams down, then paste it into a text field somewhere to read it.)


Grim said...

At lunch I saw CNN was having a section on USAID, which they characterized as a debate about “attacking US foreign aid” as if that was the real issue with that story.

The expert they had on to interview? A Politico reporter.

Mike Guenther said...

All these people's gravy boat is about to be turned over. So they are fighting by hook or crook to keep it from happening. Unfortunately for them, this is exactly what we elected Trump to do.

E Hines said...

All these people's gravy boat is about to be turned over.

I'd rather smash their rice bowls, and publicly identify the persons and entities getting paid with our tax dollars.

I saw one report--unsubstantiated--that Michael Moore was one of the ones in the trough. Be interesting if accurate, given his Trump animus.

Eric Hines