Fear and Congress

J. Michael Waller suggests that there's a reason the Tulsi/Kash nominations are taking a while: Congress is afraid of vengeance from the agencies if they vote yes.

One supposes that the level of corruption in Congress is high enough that each of them knows what he or she has to lose if the FBI seeks revenge. The only way to put a chain on that wolf, ironically, is to be brave enough to take the vote; but then one's crimes might come out as part of the daylight to follow.


E Hines said...

Disparate impact, shorn of its intentional discrimination wrapping, might expose who's been most deeply involved in the corruption, as well as the waste, of organizations like the intelligence community, the FBI, USAID (of which neither Gabbard nor Patel has anything to do, except to the extent actual criminal investigations get started on USAID), et al.

That disparity might well expose one party's members' involvement to be far greater than the other party's. Acting on that disparity might be hard to discriminate from vengeance.

Even though the Left's impugned racial or sexist intent isn't hard to show to be absent in most cases, the Left has insisted lack of such animus is irrelevant.

It's just as easy to show the absence of vengeance in most of the above cases; hopefully more rational heads will prevail here. Even if it doesn't, though, it would be good to clean house, even if a wrong precedent were set for the longer term.

Eric Hines

Thomas Doubting said...

The story of Tyr might indeed be instructive here.