I don't remember seeing snow here in November before, but this morning there was a light dusting -- enough to turn the world white, though not enough to completely cover the grass and stones.
Blue skies this afternoon, so it'll all be gone as if it were never here before you know it.
Perspective: up here, we don't mention snowfall unless it's serious--either blizzard or 6"++
Yeah, out in the passes of the mountains of the Wyoming/Idaho border where my mother and sister live, they really don’t start counting until it’s over ten feet. Only then does it become a serious consideration.
I was out there with my wife in September, and we kept seeing that the fireplugs in town all had 10’ poles with flags attached to them. We were mystified at first, until we realized: it’s so they can find them in the snow!
We don't generally get snow until late December or January. When early snow does fall, it often means a very dry rest of autumn and early winter. Cold, yes, but not much snow. (Or we get feet of the stuff, like happened during Snowvid '21.)
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