FPC Wins Again

These boys are on a roll. This time they managed to have several of Maryland's firearm carry bans struck down as unconstitutional restrictions on the right to bear arms. 

Maryland is one of only twelve states where I cannot carry a handgun with my North Carolina permit, because Maryland only respects its own permits. North Carolina will accept the permits of forty-nine other states as well as its own; Maryland zero other states. This is common among states run by gun control regimes: they routinely disarm everyone they can, and disallowing any other states' permits means that they can insist that citizens of other states be disarmed while in their state. The FPC lawsuit doesn't help that issue.

However, it does allow Marylanders with permits -- not easy to come by in Maryland, but easier now thanks to groups like FPC -- to carry in places they were formerly forbidden from doing so. Everything that can be done to dismantle the disarmament regime is good; a free people have the right to defend themselves from harm, and therefore they have also the right to the necessary conditions of an effective defense to include the tools they need.


Gringo said...

Does Maryland suspend enforcement of its firearms laws in the city of Baltimore?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I am fortunate to live in the Free State of Florida.

I have permit-less carried since I was 18. The law in Florida finally caught with my rights.

douglas said...

FPC has become my favored 2A group. I only have an NRA membership because I have to for the range I belong to.