
How is it that this spectacular event occurred 20 years, and I never heard a whisper of it? You'd think it would have been all anyone talked about for weeks.


Grim said...

I have seen it celebrated annually for years, but more in libertarian than conservative circles. Conservatives generally have a strong respect for police and law, that has only recently begun to break down due to circumstances.

It’s a very good example of why governments should fear to exceed their legitimate limits.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Well, that's the problem, though with people who want to get rid of the busybodies. You can define whoever you don't like as a busybody and feel self-righteous about it, like it was their own fault all along.

We've got a few up here in NH, especially in the north country, and I've sat across a hospital meeting room table from a few of them, insisting that they are just regular folk who have just had it and it's the damn local police, zoning board, or neighbors who are so unreasonable as to have pushed them to this extreme. I don't recall that being true. Maybe I missed one.

One did become a friend after he had been (rather incompletely, because of side effects) treated, and he insisted to the end that he wasn't bothering anyone and should have been left alone, even with a long list of incidents of his dogs having an expanded idea of what their territory was and scaring children out of their own yards, including bites, and sewage violations from his little cabin 20 feet from the shore with only a pit for facilities. Partly treated, those no longer happened.

I have no assumption that a person is even semi-reasonable just because they don't like the same things I do. I've had much more problem with neighbors than with the town over the years.

Anonymous said...

....Logically.... he should of gone for the govt buildings first then the govt officials home second, then the courts, then police stations....

The ones who steal the wealth of the country for their own ends

But he was nuts, and is walking proof how we need Jesus Christ in our lives

J Melcher said...

You gotta leave yourself an exit plan. In the Jim Garner movie, Tank , he has to drive the eponymous vehicle across state lines in his effort to "flee TO justice" (as opposed to a flight FROM justice).

raven said...

Time for Komatsu to release a special edition.

Grim said...

TANK was a great movie; but it’s getting harder to find justice to which one might flee, if one were so inclined.

Texan99 said...

But do you all remember hearing about this rampage at the time? It surprises me a great deal that I missed it, or that I could have forgotten about it.