More Lies

The Firearms Policy Coalition is a fighting organization. 

If you include Americans under one, the leading cause of death is abortion. In fact, if unborn Americans count, abortion is the leading cause of death for all Americans. Heart disease is right around 700,000/year; abortion, per Guttmacher (which compiles its statistics through a direct count made by contacting all providers in the country) is over 960,000.

Just to keep the numbers consistent, there were about 48,000 gun deaths for all Americans in 2021, the vast majority of which were suicides rather than crimes or accidents. Accidental gun deaths are fairly rare these days, especially among children.


Dad29 said...

Does Guttmacher's count include chemical abortions--the "morning after" pills?

Grim said...

No, and you're right to mention that: as far as I know, those are never included in statistics. People just do not grapple with how readily Americans kill their children. Far and away the leading cause of death for all Americans is being killed by your own mother.

Anonymous said...

I’m pretty sure I have linked to this article before and it’s on target to the discussion….,

……But since Roe vs. Wade, most countries across the globe have legalized pre-born baby slaughter (also called abortion.) Those babies killed by the bloody surgical tools of abortion now total more than 1 billion. (Remember that a billion is a thousand-million.) Those new individuals killed by chemical abortions are above 2 billion if taken at an extremely conservative estimate. This means that abortion has now killed more than 500 times what the Jewish holocaust has killed. 500x the holocaust dead are now dead via abortion. The world is not getting better. I believe that if evil is so extreme these days, the remedy is going to appear even more extreme to dull eyes.”


douglas said...

FPC may be the best of the 2A groups. I support them and Gun Owners of America/affiliated state groups, as well as California Rifle and Pistol Association, since I'm here behind the lines. One of their lawyers is a great twitter follow, too- brings the receipts and crushes the anti-gun people. I'd drop NRA altogether but it's required for the range I belong to.

Daniel said...

FPC is fantastic.