I guess they'll say anything

H/t Powerline: Imagine the pretzels you'd need to twist your brain into to come out with a rationale like this:
Last month the California Energy Commission thus determined that the state needs Diablo Canyon [Nuclear] Power Plant through 2030 to ensure electricity reliability in the face of energy supply shortfalls during extreme weather events driven by climate change.
But hey, whatever gets them there, even if it's "nukes are the only path to a carbon-free future."

In other good news, Georgia has managed to spin up a new nuclear reactor. I suppose the next step is to replace the new reactor's unexpectedly successful staff with wokistas until everyone is sufficiently distracted by nonsense to let the thing melt down.

In the meantime, I suggest that everything that needs to get done be justified by stamping it with the message: "necessary in the face of shortfalls during extreme weather events driven by climate change." We may also wish to add ". . . and systemic marginalization of heteronormiacs." Troubled by the reasoning? "It's intuitively obvious even to the most casual observer." The explanation is left as an exercise for the reader.


Anonymous said...

I love the "proof" story. I wish I'd known it before my disastrous first go-round with calculus.


raven said...

My nightmare is that the people running the operation actually believe the woke agenda, instead of just trying to placate the insane.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I love that last link.

Yes, one would think that all manner of mischief - in this case our mischief that has an excellent track record of real evidence about nuclear power - could be smuggled in this way, if the sensible people would just swallow their pride, smirk, and say the ridiculous out loud. "Yes, this would ordinarily be unacceptable, but those evil meanies have made the climate situation so bad that we have to implement drastic measures." After all, that worked for the FBI breaking the law to investigate the Trump campaign, though that was a different extreme rationale.

But Tex, you've been through this as long as I have. We can't do it with a straight face. As with all conspiracies, someone eventually spills the beans. The subtitle of my own blog is now "Saying the quiet part out loud." We have to wait for the sensible liberals, who have far less conscience about such things, to decide that this strategy can finally be implemented.

Yet incidents such as this make me hopeful that all is not lost.