
I've been increasingly down for about a week, with my wife finally dragging me (and herself) to the doctor  yesterday. It's a bacterial infection of my head and chest, for which I was assigned antibiotics. These are not sitting well, so I'm feeling a bit down about that too.

Hopefully that will explain why I've been quiet. Antibiotics can work pretty fast, though, so maybe it won't be much longer.


Tom said...

I hope you're feeling better soon.

Daniel said...

Get well soon!

Aggie said...

Hopefully you get well soon with no side effects. Probiotics sometimes help if you have them ready once your course ends.

douglas said...

Always good to eat at least one yogurt a day as the antibiotics can wreak havoc on your native gut flora and fauna if you don't.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

For my digestive issues I have found yogurt inadequate, and recommend the probiotics. I thought they would be temporary, but I find every time I try to eliminate them I regret it. I get the kind that has varieties of lactobaccilis, as I increasingly find dairy to be a problem. Also fortified wines, which is unfortunate, as I liked many of them a great deal.

raven said...

Get well soon, we need shield-biters.

Texan99 said...

I used to have worse digestive problems than I do now, and found one probiotic in particular to be useful, something you can order by mail: Saccharimyces Boulardii. Even my staid, research-oriented GI specialist was willing to admit that there were reliable studies on this one. It's good to replenish the gut biota after a course of antibiotics. Of course, your body will probably do it quite readily on its own, especially if you still have your appendix.

Hope you feel better soon.

Narr said...

Get well soon. You too, AVI.