A Permanent Praetorian Guard

The task force established to review how to protect Congress from the American people calls for a permanent military presence


Christopher B said...

Not too surprising. I expect service people can be vetted and busted out of the unit more easily than members of the Capitol Police who are likely to be civil service. They'll also come prepped with woke indoctrination as well courtesy of the priorities of the current command structure, and few if any ties to the history of the Capitol. Also useful to have two independent security forces to keep tabs on each other, and to keep them guessing about which has the upper hand.

Tom said...

Well that's a miserable duty.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

But we need to always keep in mind that it was Trump who was the proto-dictator who was ever on the verge of imposing martial law...

Aggie said...

I've been wondering why that states don't just recall their National Guard troops? Texas did a few weeks ago.