A Propos Odes and Totalitarianism

Ian Miles Cheong tweeted this tidbit a few hours ago:

Chinese authorities are finally opening the sealed apartments. There are countless dead.


The video is a bit...serious.

Cheong got his stuff from Jennifer Zeng, a New York blogger who seems to be an emigre from the Republic of China.

If this is even remotely typical of those sealed apartments, Zeng's characterization of the CPC as Evil is a gross understatement.

Eric Hines


Christopher B said...

Yeah, and they weren't building 'hospitals' either, despite what Tom Friedman's disciples keep saying. They were building warehouses to sequester sick people away from the well until they died.

Dad29 said...

Gee. I'm shocked. SHOCKED!!

Eric Blair said...

As much as I'd want to believe the worst, the video has issues. The people opening the apartment don't look like they're wearing anything more protective than masks and gloves, I don't know what we're seeing there, and neither does anyone else here.

Grim said...

It looks as if Ian has pulled the tweet you were referencing, so I can't review the video.

E Hines said...

The people opening the apartment don't look like they're wearing anything more protective than masks and gloves....

A valid point, but the folks opening the apartment also plainly weren't the first ones entering, and it looks like the ones already inside also weren't the first ones in.

Still, Zeng does appear to have a problem with the PRC that's almost as virulent as mine; although she's a bit more genteel or subtle about it.

The tweet is still up; the link just worked for me when I copy/pasted it into my browser's (Firefox) address field. I had to leave the link as plain text because I couldn't get Blogger's link facility to work when I composed and tested the post.

Eric Hines

raven said...

Looking through the thread, the mention was made the person had collapsed due to parkinsons, and Zeng also made note of it.
Who knows? My speculation has always been when they open up those apartments they will find a lot of dead- however, one person collapsed in a hall is not "countless dead".

One somewhat worrisome thing is the censorship from China seems to have really ramped up over the last month.

Eric Blair said...

Exactly. Who knows? Just watched a doctor make a fool of himself on twitter repeating lurid rumors about hospitals in Seattle. Which then got contradicted not only on twitter, but said doctor was contacted by other doctors in Seattle that basically told him what was going on, and it was not what he posted.

douglas said...

It's apparently from February 17th.

ymarsakar said...


I assure you, everyone, if the Maoist Chinese were locked up in an apartment, and they had no way out due to a virus, they would be killing/eating each other. Not quietly "dying in the night" ala German trains in WW2. The materialistic survival mechanism in China is strong. And the government is not nearly terrifying enough to control it at the ground level.

Which is to say, something more is needed here. Not even Mao could control as many strategic hotspots as this problem.