Getting a handle on the numbers

A Streiff article at RedState charts the average compensation for outside directors at the world's largest oil and gas companies.
Burisma is not quite 1/4 the size of the smallest company on this list. The group of smallest companies pays between $285-$330,000 per year for a non-employee director. Hunter Biden was paid $600,000 (at least) for being a board member of a company whose language he did not speak, whose home country he’d never lived in, and which was in an industry about which Hunter Biden was pig-ignorant.... [N]on-employee directors were paid in a combination of cash and stock, often as much as 60% stock. Biden was paid in 100% cash. 


MikeD said...

Nooooo... nothing suspicious about it at all. /rolleyes

J Melcher said...

Senator (D-NJ) Bob Menendez set the standard for criminal prosecution of "quid pro quo" scenarios. And became one of the 3% or so of US defendants prosecuted who are acquitted... Anyhow, the prosecution established the "quid" and the "quo". No problem. The "pro" part, however, failed to persuade a jury.

I did my friend and constituent a favor. He gave his friend and congressional representative a favor. We exchanged favors. Repeatedly. But it wasn't "this" FOR "that". This constituent doesn't lots of people favors. I do lots of people favors. We don't have a contract. We don't exchange cash. There isn't a particular deal on the table where one or the other of us does the other's bidding.

No corruption here. Move on.