93 Transcript

Echoes of the General Militia of Flight 93:

Via The Geek, we can now see the Flight 93 recorder transcript. It's amazing to reflect that we have not seen it before.

We should have seen it before. We should have seen the hijackers speaking before now. This is what they said, while the American men of Flight 93 came for them:

They want to get in there. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold.

There are some guys. All those guys.

There is nothing. When they all come, we finish it off. There is nothing.

May the enemy ever find us thus: every hand a sword, every sword risen against them. It is in this capacity, our individual capacity as free men to stand up for the right and the common order, that we have our best defense against both terror and tyranny. Wherever they go, whenever they come, let them find us ready, and able, to rush them.

If you are not ready, prepare. You do not know when you may be called to your duty.

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