When you've lost Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone has demonstrated its willingness to print nearly anything, but even Matt Taibbi can't swallow this week's raft of relieved MSM pronouncements that the IG report validated their worldviews:
No matter what people think the political meaning of the Horowitz report might be, reporters who read it will know: Anybody who touched this [Russia hoax] nonsense in print should be embarrassed.


Grim said...

He’s been on the side of skepticism for a while.

Aggie said...

It presupposes that the people who have been providing the coverage are capable of embarrassment or shame. They are not, because they have no fear of the unpleasantness of being held accountable. Tarring and Feathering would restore their understanding, in my humble opinion.

douglas said...

Taibbi might be one of the only sane ones left (and for a while now).

Ymar Sakar said...

A rolling stone gathers no moss.