
Ymar mentioned the Georgia Guidestones in the comments below. There's a bit of a secret about who put them up, although it's almost certainly a collection of university professors -- most of the guidelines are ordinary parts of the sensus communis of the sort of folk who used to teach at major Southern universities. It's a little bit liberal, a little bit anti-government, a lot of 'peace and love and beauty.'

It's a nice motorcycle ride through flat country from Athens, Georgia. There's nowhere to eat and nothing to do anywhere near them, but if the ride is the point -- as it was for me -- it's not the worst way to spend an afternoon, riding out to see them.


ymarsakar said...

You kind of left out the kicker ; )

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

If anyone still wonders where there even is a "Deep State" in the US, it generally revolves around the idea that the elite are servants of higher powers, which their entire purpose is to keep humanity "in check" and "under control" using reason/rationality, controlling the passions (games and Game of Thrones, fake news, tv, public indoctrination).

People do not take that seriously, at least except for fringe conspiracy landers. But I tend to take a lot more things seriously, especially given the untold human history I have to deal with. Underestimating the enemy is a not a good idea. That applies to Ayers, ALinsky, Clintons (hello body bag, car accident), Kennedies, Satan, Heyl-El (aka Lucifer), or even Hussein (Last US President).

ymarsakar said...

Also, Lucifer, who prefers the Hebrew name Heyl-El or Heyl-Al as he tends to jokingly spell it as, claims to be the twin brother of Archangel Michael. And Micha-El does not deny it. Satan, as humanity knows it as, is a different organization or title role. A lot of confusion over it exists, just like the title "The Christ". People think it is the name of Jesus or only applies to Yeshua, that is not the case.

As early as Job, "Satan" was the title for a prosecutor or someone who charges humanity with sins and transgressions, seeking to test and to iron out the weaknesses in someone's case. Satan is part of the Divine Counsel, but on Earth it tends to manifest as secret societies and cabals for some reason.

A lot of the Un Agenda 21 and other stuff bandied about online, tend to be about population control, strangely enough. Inclu8ding that Global Warming hoax.