
He was ninety-two years old, more than fifty spent working around horses, so he knew what was about to happen when he saw it. Fortunately, he was a true man.


raven said...

Very sweet story- It did seem like the giver of the gift was as rewarded as the recipient. A real man of quality.
And apparently a motorcyclist as well, judging from the photo's.

Texan99 said...

There's a mystery writer I like: Thomas Perry. He has a recurring character who rescues people from impossible situations and gives them new identities, like a private witness-protection program. In one of his books, she is trying to explain to someone why she risked her life to intervene when the bad guys were trying to murder a kid, some kind of lost-heir dispute. She says: "A young boy is going to die. For the rest of your life, you're going to be someone who helped him, or someone who didn't."

William said...

As it should be. We need to hear about things of this nature more. They happen everyday. What would it take for the "news" to decide to go look for it?

William sends...