An Important Day

Today marks both the 21st birthday of my only son, and also my 24th wedding anniversary. 

I spoke to my son this morning and congratulated him on making it to legal adulthood. "It only gets harder from here," I warned.

"Oh, I know," he said, which was the worst possible thing to say. Thank God he does not know how much harder it gets. 

Unfortunately all the planned festivities are offline because my truck decided to break down last night -- initially it looks like more computer troubles, the bane of my existence because I can easily repair simple mechanical problems -- and it is going to pour rain for days here in western North Carolina. Nobody's much inclined to ride motorcycles in a downpour for hours. 

It's a big day anyway. 

UPDATE: Relatively good news about the truck. In spite of showing all the signs of a computer issue, it was a mechanical failure after all. Got it back running this afternoon. 


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Two of my son's highschool friends asked me "Mr. Wyman, is it true that these are the best years of our lives?" "No. You will have your best memories of these years, which is why adults say it. But sorting everything out, even with directions looks easier from the outside than it is."

Your fifties will probably be your happiest decade, your sixties the next-happiest. Right now he just need to put a little sanity in the bank every year. It accrues interest.

raven said...

Congratulations on two very important events!

There is something to be said for older, simpler vehicles. They may need more frequent maintenance, but are more likely to be fixable by the average joe.

douglas said...

Quite a day indeed, congratulations!

Our firstborn (also son) was born three days before our anniversary, so we too are used to our celebration being subsumed under the birthday celebration for our son. Not that we mind- the kids are the greatest thing we do together.

Joel Leggett said...

Congratulations to you and yours.

Elise said...

Happy Birthday to your son and congratulations to you and your wife, both for the anniversary and for the son.

DLSly said...

Holy Crap! 21 already!! Of course, it shouldn't be that big of a surprise, the VES did turn 23 this past February, and is engaged to be married later this year.
Congrats on the anniversary. Tell me, does your wife make you sleep on the floor in front of the door as a reminder of how you guys started? 0;~} (yes , I still remember the story, how could I not, it's one of the best "Meet the Parents" story I've ever heard.)

Daniel said...

Congratulations to your son! My youngest is 21 this October... mixed feelings on that :)

Grim said...

Thank you, Daniel. Good to see you.

Sly, at this point in our marriage both the wife and I have given up on trying to 'make' the other do anything. Fortunately we still get along well enough to choose to do the necessary things!