4 Years of Waiting for Godot

First we waited for ... was it Jeff Sessions? Then Barr, then Durham, now Powell, er, the Kraken, oh, no, it's Rudy Giuliani. Maybe first it was Roberts?

But always some shocking revelation and a grand vindication was / is just around the corner. But, we never seem to get to the corner, the shocking revelation is put on ice, the vindication is moved to a later, unspecified date in the future. The Kraken feels like it is slowly sinking silently below the sable waves, if it was ever there at all.

Or maybe the Kraken is what has hold of Durham, of Barr, maybe previously of many others who seemingly could have stepped up and delivered some measure of justice but did not.

This battle is not quite over, so there is hope. There is a fight still.

But it's beginning to feel like our position is being overrun. Our media is full of reports of victories coming soon, of being in the vicinity of vindication, like good propaganda shoring up the morale of a beleaguered army. Their media is full of derision for what they believe are, or fervently desire to be, or are determined to turn into, right-wing hallucinations. Some allies are fleeing for safety, casting away their arms and uniforms, while the Left draws up its firing squads, as they always do.

Yes, yes, it's always darkest before the dawn and all that. All that. Still, I have barely any faith remaining in our federal "justice" system, legislative or executive or judicial, when it comes to anything political, and night could be just falling. Anything after civil twilight is just dark, you know.

But this is only a political war, right now, so we'll all live, whether we win or lose. Thus we get to ask, and we will be required to answer, what next? What next?

I don't expect any answers, really. We each will have our own. And all this is just my musing on the dark waters as the ship steams on toward some unknown shore. I guess it's all part of the grand adventure, and adventures always have dragons and whatnot, eh? Well, where did I put my whetstone?


Assistant Village Idiot said...

I think this has been growing in all our minds for the last few years. Justice is just about to come. You'll see. There are many possibilities, and you hit on a couple of the bigger ones. 1. Is there enough pressure keeping justice down that we must expect that it will never come except by accident? Subquestion: Would that be the inertia of ten-thousand members of the administrative state that is just too much to move, or the direct intervention to thwart justice of relative few? 2. Is it truly justice that is always on the brink so that another good push, another good election might change things, or has it always been distant and we delude ourselves that it is imminent? 3. Is this all in fact the normal workings of approximate justice and we are the crazy ones, making wild accusations and believing charlatans? 4. Are the solutions not merely spiritual in part but spiritual in their entirety, so that we waste energy and spin our wheels attending to political matters at all?

Other possibilities may occur to you all.

Grim said...

You have a striking imaginative world that invokes steamships and dragons in the same breath.

One does not meet Platonic Justice in the world. We have a justice system, but it doesn't attempt anything like "Justice." It only aims at providing enough order that people will agree to participate in the system and not revolt against it. Of course, partly it does that via ensuring punishment for the weak; but partly it does it by providing pageantry suggesting that the forms were followed among the powerful, and then punishes you for pointing out that they were not.

Justice is a real problem. It would in a sense be just if we marched on Washington and hanged every politician, and every major civil servant, from the trees along the Mall. But notice how transitory such justice would be. Not the next day but the next hour there would be new injustices; and in wiping out the bureaucracy and political class, you would also remove the major hedge to Communist China.

Not that it's much of a hedge! China conducts genocides and forced labor camps, and the most they have to fear from our politicians is that they'll need to be paid off. But if they weren't there, asking to be paid, there'd be no hedge at all.

So that's one concern to set against another. Can we reform the state peacefully? I don't know. If we destroy it, do we enable even worse people -- not merely corrupt, but comprehensively evil? Yes, it would appear.

But perhaps we need a limiting principle. Which part of this is really our business? The whole world? America? Oklahoma for you, and southern Appalachia for me? This mountain valley, which I think my neighbors and I could hold free against most anyone? Maybe it's not in our power to fix Washington, let alone the world; maybe it's possible to fix a locality. Maybe if we fix enough of them, the bigger government may find itself with enough problems that it can no longer itself be a problem for us.

ymarsakar said...

It is the darkest before the dawn. And I have faith in my god, not in humanity.

The Kraken https://twitter.com/Ymarsakar/status/1330024823381176320?s=20


And Grim, did Georgia become so insane that they are actually validating or certifying a stolen election? Because if they are ... well well.

ymarsakar said...

Maybe it's not in our power to fix Washington, let alone the world; maybe it's possible to fix a locality. Maybe if we fix enough of them, the bigger government may find itself with enough problems that it can no longer itself be a problem for us.

Leave the world and the fate of your nation to the angels, archangels, and Sons of God avatar classes. The Daughters of God are doing something slightly different than the fate of nations.

This is "above your paygrade" so to speak.

It's above even Trump's paygrade. Not that he uses his pay.

God has asked all messengers and representatives to watch as humanity is tested. These 4 years of patience are equivalent to the people under Moses, wandering for 40 years.

It is a time of purging, of testing, of patience. Especially for a people that are used to Stream on Demand, microwave heated food on demand, in seconds.

Only with a broken heart, the broken American arrogance, a heart of humility, will the Divine DNA be able to access its higher functions. This is not a punishment by some skylord in the heavens throwing down thunder bolts Alien ET style, on mortals. This is how Divine Power is taught and transmitted.

Discipline. Patience. Compassion. These are concepts human children are taught, and not well. Humanity is a child civilization, compared to their elders.

ymarsakar said...

But it's beginning to feel like our position is being overrun.

Yes. This is the Hero's Death in the Hero's Journey epic style of drama and story telling.

The Hero often has to die before they can power up and transform themselves. Gandalf.

Luke Skywalker, got his hand chopped off and fell off a sky station (oops spoiler).

The Spirit of America (I am referring to an actual she) deserves her own epic conclusion arc.

Did people think God would swoop in with a savior or messiah and save the worthy from destruction?


Boring. I voted against it in the Divine Counsel. Just because certain lessons need to be taught and given, and it is just more interesting this way.

Who is crazy enough to actually give Ymar power? Godhead and the Divine Counsels. What is foolishness to God is knowledge to humanity, and vice a versa.

ymarsakar said...

First we waited for ... was it Jeff Sessions? Then Barr, then Durham, now Powell, er, the Kraken, oh, no, it's Rudy Giuliani. Maybe first it was Roberts?

I don't think I waited on any of these guys. Do you remember Ymar saying these humans would be authorized to do something by God, Grim? Cause I don't remember.

These are just humans. They can somehow clean out the Deep State swamp of dark magicians and child rapist hellfrackers?

Oh hell naw. You need archangel class power for that.

It is precisely because the War in Heaven is over, the Astral, that Sid can now do it. It is now allowed.

Trump wasn't going to clean out the swamp in 4 years. I told people that in 2016. Not even 40 is enough.

Tom said...

AVI, my list is very close to yours.

Grim, you are generous. I think most would just assume I mixed metaphorical worlds. But my imagination works that way, for better or worse. Steamships never excluded dragons there.

And you are right. Fix ourselves, fix our local situation, that's probably the place to focus right now. The old advice of don't worry about what you can't change.

Part of my wondering, though, is exactly what can I change?

E Hines said...

Of course, [f]ix ourselves, fix our local situation, that's probably the place to focus right now.

Top down control/solutions don't work, why would anyone believe fixing from the top down would work? But we can't stop at the bottom; we have to work on up to the top. That top still impacts us. And that top must include the world; the world's behavior--and overt threats--impact our nation.

There's also no reason the several layers can't be addressed simultaneously; the systems approach is optimal, in fact. It's a matter of emphasis, not a matter of this and not that, or this first and that second.

Eric Hines