
Headline: “ Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Abortion During Coronavirus ‘Is Life Sustaining’

I mean I guess I know what she means, but man.


ymarsakar said...

Gates said healthcare and vaccines will help reduce world population.

Even my intellect can't crack that one.

I heard people say that when Africa has more healthcare, they will decide to have less children. Sounds like Planned Profit to me. Also, giving them first world economies would be more beneficial to giving them 1st world pop rates.

ymarsakar said...


Candace has a big voice on SM. Waking her up was a big strategic plus.

E Hines said...

Whitmer is a highly talented and skilled politician. Words are her stock in trade; she knew what she was saying, she knew exactly what she was going to say when she formed the thought.

A woman’s healthcare, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life[.]

It couldn't possibly be that a baby’s healthcare, her whole future, her ability to decide anything at all is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life.

No, Whitmer meant exactly what she said, neither more nor less. Babies don't matter to her; they're beneath her notice.

Eric Hines

J Melcher said...

The governor's conclusion follows from the Supreme Court's premise. The Casey decision. IF a late term abortion is necessary to "protect the life or health of the mother" then it's constitutional. Otherwise, not. But the "health" of the woman -- who doesn't want to be a mother in her critical circumstances -- may be her mental health, her financial health, her social health ... is pretty much anything the woman says it is. Ditto the woman's "life".

So, a woman says a fetus threatens her "life" and the state permits medical providers to suit up -- using up limited amounts of PPE -- and put an end to the fetus. This "sustains life", for the woman who identified the threat. Not so life-sustaining for nurses or others who might be trying to protect their own lives but can't get PPE. Not so life-sustaining for patients who, therefore, can't get nurses. And always, much less life-sustaining for any fetus who threatens a woman's mental, emotional, financial, or other aspects of health. But a WOMAN'S right to sustain HER OWN life is a constitutional principle

Perfectly logical, given the premise.

You can't overturn the logic. It may however at some point be possible to overturn the premise.

ymarsakar said...


All kinds of stuff is coming out now in 2020.