"What I Meant Was..."

An attempt at damage control doesn't work very well. There's a world of difference between "America was never that great" and "America is great, but could yet reach its full greatness."


E Hines said...

Of course, Cuomo has denied what he meant, but the fact is that the first time he spoke, he spoke from his heart. He's just speaking politically with his corrections.

Plus, Cuomo is a talented, smooth politician. Words are his stock in trade. He knew what he was saying when he was speaking from his heart. And he knows what he's saying now, as he reads his staff's prepared "clarifying" statements.

Notice, finally, one other aspect of this: Cuomo plainly does not feel like he's even a part of our great nation. "It was never that great," not "We were never that great."

Eric Hines

E Hines said...

One more thing, since this slur has so p**d me off. We've seen already the soul of the new Progressive-Democratic Party. Now, Cuomo has shown us its heart.

Eric Hines

Grim said...

I mean, I know they believe this because I've seen people from the left forward that clip about how "America is not the greatest" from some TV show a thousand times. It drives me batty. He scolds the one guy who says that "Freedom" makes America the greatest with a list of other countries that have freedom that includes Japan and a whole host of nations that were conquered by the Nazis. Oh yeah, those countries have freedom? How did that happen, chief?

raven said...

Once at a dinner party I got into a argument with an avowed leftist. After it became apparent there was absolutely no common ground, I asked in exasperation if there was anything, anything at all, just one thing he could find worthy in the entire history of America.

After a minute or so, he volunteered , well, maybe winning WW2 was an OK thing.
These people hate this country, and they hate half of it citizens.

douglas said...

Wow, Had not seen that clip, Grim. It's idiotic on it's face in many ways, and yet you look in the comments and some people eat it up. Depressing. It's also clear many people have never travelled or know much about the rest of the world, if they think countries like France and Canada are as free was we are. Of course, they don't really value freedom, do they?

douglas said...

Oh, and on the post topic directly, it's one of those lines that's perfectly packaged, and will stick like glue as "I was for it before I was against it", "Read my lips, no new taxes" or "You can keep your doctor". He's doomed. I mean maybe he'll win this election, but Presidential aspirations just went up in smoke.

You've got to wonder if he and his advisors watched that scene and bought that it would work... so in the bubble.