Songs of Brokenness from "Horse Soldiers! Horse Soldiers!"

The Iran-Contra scandal always gave me doubts about both Reagan and Col. North. Of course, back then I was a very different person, one who mostly believed the New York Times and other MSM outlets. Maybe I should revisit the issue with my now-more-wary eyes.

Corb has a number of songs I would really like to know if there's a real story behind. This one reminds me a litte bit of the old Kirk Douglas movie Paths of Glory, although there the soldiers' crime was to refuse to attack. The similarity is in the commander's insistence on taking responsibility.


Grim said...

Over the years I've met several of the principles of the Iran-Contra business, including LTC North. Some of them I've gotten to know well. To a man and woman they've been excellent people, honorable and courageous. Whatever was done, on our side at least, was done by some of the best America produces.

That doesn't mean it was right. They didn't decide on the policy, they just executed it. But I think it means it was as right as they could make it, and probably not nearly what was painted for you by the New York Times. Whenever I've been involved with something that the Times has covered, I've found it to be wildly inaccurate (though less so than Rolling Stone magazine).

Tom said...

I probably should go back and do some reading.

And if Rolling Stone told me the sky was blue, I'd go out and check.

raven said...

An very interesting book on this subject- about a machine tool salesman who got caught up in it- Clintons and Bushes are feartured, well before any presidential runs. Talks about the strange goings on in Mena AR,drug running to the US,etc. First person account,make your own assessment. One of the very convincing things to me was there is no attempt to tar one or the other of the political sides- this is not your average political smear book.

Tom said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll take a look.

Ymar Sakar said...

The American ambassador and the civilian attachment at Benghazi were in a similar situation. Except their leader wasn't a patriot, so they didn't get out alive much.