Are America's poorest left to hang?

A British blogger compares American prosperity to British in each of twenty percentile groups, and finds Americans better off economically in all but the bottom 5%, where Britain has a narrow edge. There's also a ranking of each America state, with some European countries included for comparison. Only Mississippi loses out to Britain. H/t Maggie's Farm.


Grim said...

I saw something similar on the subject of the UK, were it ranked as a US state, being poorer than any state except Missouri.

MikeD said...

But no, really... tell me again about your wonderful socialized medicine and safety nets. Real powerhouse economy, right?


Ymar Sakar said...

At least in the US, police will go to a neighborhood, eventually.

In Europe and Britain, some places the police aren't even allowed into, because the gangs and Muslim overlords rule their livestock. The human livestock that is.