Sir Run Run Shaw

He's most famous for Kung Fu films, but also produced Blade Runner. You can see his name in the fine print on this trailer.

The trailer is terrible. It's a wonder anyone went to see it. Good they did, though.

Rest in peace.


Eric Blair said...

I think word of mouth actually helped that movie more than anything, and the Philip K. Dick story it was based on.

Plus, movies were *cheaper* to go see back then.

Texan99 said...

That really was terrible--it should have been 1/3 as long, for one thing. Loved the movie. I usually enjoy Ridley Scott movies.

Grim said...

So do I, Tex. This one is special, even among his work.

Good point about the cost, Eric. I almost never even think about going to see a movie in theaters these days.