2 from Mudville

Two from Mudville:

Thanks to the always-excellent Dawn Patrol, two links with comments.

First, former Marine officer Chester agrees on hiring Blackwater to deal with Darfur. He has some interesting options on how to pay for it, including what he calls "the PayPal option."

I have to say that I like the idea. "Click here to stop genocide," the button would say -- and it would actually mean it. Not rhetoric, action, pushed down to the level where the individual can kick in ten or a hundred bucks and still make a difference.

Second, Bolton smacks Sy Hersh. And Kucinich:

BOLTON: I said I had not heard of the report and I didn’t intend to read the article in “The New Yorker.”

KUCINICH: If I gave you this article right now, walked it over, would you look at it?

BOLTON: I don’t think so, honestly, Congressman, because I don’t have time to read much fiction.
Bolton is being himself, but I wonder if he knows he is echoing the Pentagon?

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