Prager U Declared a "Hate Group"

What a strange conclusion. Having watched a few Prager U videos, I've no idea what they could be talking about. I don't remember ever hearing them say anything hateful; frequently, they're not even irritable.

But maybe I missed their greatest hits. Here are 21 videos that YouTube is censoring. Let's watch a few and judge for ourselves.


David Foster said...

Meanwhile, look who IS on YouTube:

Assistant Village Idiot said...

SPLC is only secondarily a left-wing group. They are primarily a fundraising scam. They aren't much about ideas, just bullying.

Gringo said...

They[SPLC] aren't much about ideas, just bullying.

Which describes much of the left these days.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I left my opinion in the feedback section of YouTube

douglas said...

I smell fear from the left. PragerU has turned out to be a very effective vehicle for delivering the message of the right. They're slated to hit a billion (with a B) views this summer. It's been amazing watching their growth and success.