Hope You Like Eating Bugs

The $3.5 Trillion "infrastructure" bill under consideration will impose costs on beef cattle at $2,600/head, making meat unaffordable for all but the wealthiest. For dairy cows it's $6,500, so I hope you also like almond milk. 


Mike Guenther said...

Half gallon of whole milk is about 3 bucks. Plant based milk is twice as expensive and nasty tasting to boot.

Anonymous said...

And all the processing of plant matter uses a lot of water. Ditto growing all the soybeans needed to replace animal protein. Remind me about saving the aquifers, again?


Grim said...

Plant-based milk is more expensive so far.

ymarsakar said...

God has motivated me to buy self watering gardens.

douglas said...

They want you to feel small at every turn. They want to exercise their power over you, and demonstrate their 'superiority' wherever they can. They throw things in just for spite. How long do we take this? I'm starting to wonder if the revolutionary spirit of America is dead.