Public Radio Continues to Shine

This week on NPR: 'Speaking of budgetary concerns, a country doesn't really have to have an army, you know.'


E Hines said...

'Cos nations with armies are just bitterly clinging to their guns. As Ms Palet grudgingly acknowledged at the end of her piece wrt "Taiwan" (the Republic of China) and Israel.

She carefully elided things like Costa Rica's (and Haiti's and Panama's) membership in the Rio Treaty and Grenada's membership in the RSS. Iceland and the US have a defense consultation understanding.

And so on. Not many of these army-less nations are truly naked and alone.

I don't agree that Ms Palet is ignorant of these things. She is, after all, published in that august journal NPR.

Eric Hines

Grim said...

Well, right. It's highly convenient for Iceland that there are several other nations willing to foot the bill to protect their air space. Those nations do it for reasons of their own, but they do it all the same.

But it's an impressive shot into the budget wars going on in Congress right now. How about we just zero the budget? Think what we could do for education!

Texan99 said...

Certainly not, if they trust other countries enough.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Well, you don't need an army. You can have masters, and let them have an army.

Of course, you might not like having masters.

Ymar Sakar said...

Don't need an NPR either.

Anonymous said...

The really jarring part is listing ideals as a pragmatic reason. I could see listing budgetary concerns as a pragmatic reason.