
Gringo alerted me that a comment of his had disappeared. I checked the spam folder of the blog, and found that many of our comments have been automatically assigned to that by Google -- including some of mine! I have restored all the ones I recognize (except Greg's, who really is spam and should go bother someone else). If you notice a comment disappearing, ping me and I'll fix it.

This is getting annoying, Google. The whole purpose of Blogger, when it was new, was to serve as a host for free speech. Go **** yourselves. Having money doesn't make you right. We'll say what we want, one way or another. 


Gringo said...

Google Fiber got installed in my condo complex within the last year. I kept getting these notices in the mail enticing me to sign up for Google Fiber, @ $70/month. As I was paying $22 a month for a competing ISP, I paid no attention to these notices. Recently Google Fiber dropped its price to $30/month, which is competitive with my ISP, as Google Fiber includes wireless and my ISP contract does not. I figured that I would stay with my ISP. Not to mention my dislike of Google.....

This news that Google labeled my comment as spam confirms my decision made years ago to have as little to do with Google as possible.

Dad29 said...

Yah, thanks, pal. You sent Greg over to me.

Grim said...

I only told him to go away, not where to go. If I had told him where to go, it would have been a more colorful metaphor I'd have used anyway.