A Day of Some Local Importance

Twenty-five years ago today my wife and I were married at Amicalola Falls. In the ensuing years she has not accompanied me on all my adventures, but most of them; and when I have gone on ones too far or too dangerous, she has been the one I could trust to keep the home front secure in my absence.

Three years to the day later, we spent our third anniversary in the hospital as she gave birth to our son. He is twenty-two today, now studying emergency management by day and taking firefighter certification courses by night. I am very proud of him.

Today is also the summer solstice, aligning our personal time-keeping with that of the heavens. I hope you all have an excellent day today.


Tom said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!

juvat said...

Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to your Son.

Elise said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your wife; Happy Birthday to your son; and Happy Solstice to all.

Tom said...

Yes, and Happy Birthday to your son! It's good to hear what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

I wish you all joy, long lives and happiness on your household.
May the wind always be at your backs and the sun shining gently upon your faces.

Yes, I consider myself Pict-ish too ;-)

james said...

Congratulations and joy to you all.

Grim said...

Thank you all. It was a good day.

Texan99 said...

I guess we all knew he'd become a sheepdog of some kind! To protect and serve.

Whatever became of the young woman who used to get him to play "Princess Game" with her?

Grim said...

I hear she’s a fashion model these days, so I imagine she gets treated like a princess by lots of people. I suppose it was good training for her career.

raven said...

Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday and Happy Solstice!

Grim said...

It was a good day all around.