Marine Sets World Record in Deadlift

This story's headline surprised me. The deadlift is one of the big, compound lifts that involves a lot of muscle groups. Marines, however, are held to strict BMI standards, and as such will tend to have less muscle mass than other competitive deadlifters at their same height who are unencumbered by BMI. 

Part of the mystery evaporated when the story explained that the record was for a particular weight class, which means that the muscle mass differential was somewhat controlled. More of it evaporated when it turned out to be a female Marine. Women normally have higher fat in their body complex, so if this female Marine had managed to get lean and muscular they would have a little more play in their BMI than would a male Marine. 

But then I read that the deadlifting world record was broken by 40 pounds. That's extraordinary. The interview explains that “Honestly, it kind of felt kind of weightless,” she said. “It was not easy, but not the strain I thought it would be.” 

I did not really notice at first that the interview was only granted on the condition that this female Marine not be named. I did ask around my Strongman community if anyone had heard anything about it. One of them had a photo. 

I'll put it after the jump.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Ah. I looked at the picture and said WTF, then followed the link.

Well, it's still a great lift. But...

Grim said...

Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with a 661 deadlift. Lots of guys would be proud to put that up.

raven said...

" A story on the Marine and the record-breaking lift posted on the military’s Defense Visual Information Distribution Service was taken down over the weekend after it generated a wave of online harassment, a spokesman for the I Marine Expeditionary Force told Task & Purpose on Monday."

I am just sick of the lies.
Somebody, I forget who, said after much exposure to
com-block propaganda, that it was designed just to rub noses in the doo doo, not to change any minds but to force compliance with obvious lies.

Also, I am sick of the theft- because that is what this is. Some woman's record was stolen by an imposter.

Grim said...

It is important to remember that there are losers in this sort of thing, too. You're right: until recently, some woman's name was on that record. Even at 620-ish pounds, that's a strong lift that many a man would envy. A woman stronger than many men, then, has had her honors stripped and given to, well, 'a woman.'

People talk about putting asterisks on the records of baseball players who test positive for drugs. This is at least as serious as that, but they insist on us pretending that there's no difference between 'a woman' and a woman.

Anonymous said...

My first assumption, when hearing "a Marine" broke the world record, was that they actually meant "former Marine"-- the BMI issues you've mentioned, but also, a true world-record lift would imply the athlete has been following an incredibly rigid training/eating/sleeping regimen that isn't really compatible with serving in the active forces. Plus, whisper it, drugs. Much harder to get, much harder to hide, much worse penalty if caught. But then, on second thought, maybe a master's category, or women's category, or low weight class-- all of those have a lower percentage of the population try to train heavily, so the innate physical level is much more variable.

And then you said, "by 40 pounds", and I immediately said to myself, "It's a dude." There's no other answer. Well, OK, I can't rule out drugs here either-- I can certainly see overdoses of androgens frying some circuits in this dude's brain. But genuine XX females don't even have as many androgen receptors as the ordinary XY male, which sharply limits what results they can get.

There's been a lot of talk about what's driving the MtF tranny phenomenon-- some are gay boys who can't cope with homosexuality; some are victims of sexual abuse and can't cope with masculinity; some are "autogynephiles", who are fascinated and aroused by the idea of themselves as women. But there's one more category: men who are aroused by beating women, forcing them to do things they don't want to do, most especially in public and in a way that the women aren't socially permitted to complain or resist against. Nasty piece of work.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

@ Janet - I too had thought of autogynephilia. Johns Hopkins at one point that it was 50% of MtF transitioning. But I had not thought of your last category, the desire to humiliate women.

I don't know this person well enough to even guess at motivations like that. But it rings true that at least some men desire this.

Grim said...

“…women aren't socially permitted to complain or resist against…”

You can complain all you want around here. I’m not going to tell you what to say or think or do.

raven said...

That Dalrymple quote was indeed the one .