Air Force Abandons the 21-Gun Salute

Allegedly for budgetary reasons.


MikeD said...

Frankly this is disgusting. They can waste billions on a airframe that STILL isn't as good as those from 40 years ago, but can't afford to properly render honors to their fallen comrades? Vile. This is simply a shocking display of the piss poor set of priorities that the Air Force is accepting.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

It is a gradual erosion of the importance of tradition in favor of bureaucracy.

Ymar Sakar said...

A broken military, just as the Demoncrat generals like Shinseki promised to give us.

Whether they were foolish enough to believe that a well blooded military with endless live fire training and wars to gain experience, was "broken or not" didn't really matter. The people were that foolish.