Between the lines

I don't feel this brief account gives us the necessary insight into all aspects of this fascinating couple's lives.  It's the old story:  they met in something called a "hacky-sack" circle, agreed to marry, then quarreled.
Hall took his few possessions and moved out of his fiancée’s home and into a tree at McLaren Park.
Soon, matters took a squalid turn.  After the fellow got cold and decided to return home, he was disappointed to see his fiancée returning from a date with a Marine, who found it necessary to assist his date's ex-betrothed in regaining his composure.  Bear-spray ensued, and it all ended up in criminal court, but everyone decided there was no real harm done.

Can't we at least get a reality show out of this?

H/t Rocket Science.


Grim said...

I was going to say that I thought the headline said it all, until I read the article. You're right: we should really demand more details about Legolas here.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

There certainly must have been some snappy dialogue in parts of this episode, which it would be good to hear.

douglas said...

It's good to know there's still some justice out there...