Who's the Threat?

Maxine Waters: “I am going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system, asking them, ‘Tell us what’s going on with the domestic terrorists. Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety? What is he doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous, and we’re going to have to make sure that we understand, uh, that we’re not at risk with this man talkin’ in the way that he’s doing.'” 

Emphasis added. 


INSURRECTION: Anti-Israel protesters burn UC Berkeley police vehicle with ‘incendiary device’ in ‘retaliation’ for arrests. Have you noticed that MAGA people don’t “retaliate” for arrests?

Related: Yale students call for ‘open intifada,’ say activists should ‘escalate disruption’ and ‘paralyze all aspects of normal life.’

Berkeley and Yale students are aspirants to the ruling class, and usually also children of it; they're not a threat even if they actually firebomb police. The ones you've got to watch are the ones who aren't already powerful and privileged. 

UPDATE: Ayaan Hirsi Ali argues that those students are part of active subversion on the Soviet model.

Living in the West in 1983, Bezmenov gave a lecture in which he explained “Psychological Warfare, Subversion, and the Control of Society.” It begins:

Subversion refers to a process by which the values and principles of an established system are contradicted or reversed in an attempt to sabotage the existing social order and its structures of power, authority, tradition, hierarchy, and social norms. It involves a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system, often carried out by persons working secretly from within. Subversion is used as a tool to achieve political goals because it generally carries less risk, cost, and difficulty as opposed to open belligerency. The act of subversion can lead to the destruction or damage of an established system or government. In the context of ideological subversion, subversion aims to gradually change the perception and values of a society, ultimately leading to the undermining of its existing systems and beliefs.

The accompanying chart would seem to locate us in the "destabilization" phase, which last 2-5 years; ours started in 2020 with the BLM protests/riots and the Covid lockdowns (which, one recalls, made exceptions for the BLM protests), and now continues with these pro-Hamas protests. Assuming the chart were accurate, the next phase is 'crisis' (2-6 months) followed by Big Brother cementing its gains into a new, normalized system.

"I am not saying that Bezmenov’s formulation explains all that we are seeing. It clearly does not address all the West’s problems," she writes. "But once I immersed myself in his formulation, many of the topsy-turvy developments in our institutions fell into place."

Well, or it could be paranoia, which is to be staunchly resisted. But the riots are real enough, and the government continues not to enforce the laws upon them -- though they maintain a weather eye for any counterrevolutionaries that might emerge on the other side. Perhaps that's just a coincidence, though, class privilege playing out as I was discussing in the original post.


Anonymous said...

It's always enjoyable and a real special treat to read the loquacious, Maxine.

The depth of understanding, knowledge, the eloquence and if I may be so bold...the sheer elegance...of every syllable uttered to convey her thoughts into reelz-feelz just drip off of the page leaving the reader thirsting for more, like some stranded Saharan slave trader.

A truly great mind ;-)

Gringo said...

Maxine's gonna do what Maxine's gonna do: parrot the party line. She's just following the script laid down years ago.

Consider the Demos governing the rioting cities in 2020. The Demo governing classes in the rioting Demo-controlled cities did nothing to quell the riots- and IIRC turned down Trump's offers of assistance from the feds.

But come January 6th 2021, Demos in DC were more than prepared to deal with THAT "violence" in a draconian fashion.(in quotes, to compare it to the violence of the burned out cities of 2020.) There is good violence and there is bad violence, our Democrat betters inform us.

Just like the Argentine leftists whom VS Naipaul interviewed in 1972 for a New York Review of Books article: "there was good torture and bad torture." And this was years before before the Dirty War was in full swing.

(Which indicated to me that the torturing generals were unfortunately not outliers in Argentine culture...)

Dad29 said...

I denounce myself as a domestic terrorist for having actively participated in Old Rite (Latin) Masses for 10+ years.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

She's going to spend some time with the justice system. Really? The whole system? That might take a while.

I think she means "I'm looking for some people to push around."

RonF said...

Have you noticed that MAGA people don’t “retaliate” for arrests?

They do, actually. But at the ballot box, not in the streets.