Interstate 85 Collapses in Atlanta

Following an intense fire, a section of bridge collapsed that shut down the entire north bound Interstate near downtown Atlanta. No injuries are reported at this time, and the cause of the fire remains unclear.

Georgia's DOT has no timeline on when they might be able to make such major, unexpected repairs to one of the city's main arteries. It's going to be ugly for people using I-85 for a long time to come.

When they do come up with the money to build the bridge back, though, I have a proposal. They should call the bridge the William T. Sherman Memorial Interchange.


It begins.


Tom said...

Hilarious suggestion. I'd kick in $10 on Kickstarter if they funded the bridge that way and promised to name it that.

Grim said...

In fact, they should name it that now. That way, people can enjoy cursing his name during the long, long rebuild.

Tom said...

With the right guerrilla marketing campaign, it might quickly become the unofficial name. I don't know that much about marketing, though. I wonder how someone would pull that off.

Anonymous said...

To where should I send my money?


Eric Blair said...

I would so send money to that.

I read an anecdote about Sherman after the Civil War, when visiting Atlanta, was given a dinner and afterwards, of course, whiskey and cigars--apparently somebody said "You're going to give that man a match?"

Dad29 said...

*cough* He was the first person I thought of after seeing the pix/reading the story.

But then, I thought of The Russians.

james said...

My first thought to wonder if jihadis were starting to change tactics.

Grim said...

It actually looks like it was a bunch of homeless folks who lived under bridges, found the DOT's cache of fuel and dangerous chemicals, and for some reason decided to burn it.

Texan99 said...

Right, store fuel and dangerous chemicals under a bridge! What could go wrong?

Grim said...

No kidding. The DOT should fire every official from the one who made that decision up to the top. Then, they should all be prosecuted for criminal negligence.

Ymar Sakar said...

The world will end in fire Grim. Isn't that ironic.

Perhaps all those crazy prophets in the past were true.

Ymar Sakar said...

My working line is that Noah's Ark and the Divine Flood was recorded as corrupted and changed oral legends by the norse. Eve had a vision about the world ending in water and then ending in fire. This Knowledge of Good and Evil doesn't appear correctly translated or categorized. Just as gods=elohim doesn't work very well now.